Oregon Goes To College provides guidance and resources for schools to host events related to getting ready for college.
Since 2012, over 200 schools and community organizations in Oregon have hosted Oregon Goes To College events.
Timeline of events
College Application Week
Help students prepare for their futures by hosting college and financial aid application workshops. Support students with time and space to work on post-high school plans during the school day.
College Application Week is part of the national American College Application Campaign, led by the ACT Center for Equity in Learning.
Access student-level FAFSA completion data to increase financial aid applications.
Hosted by OSAC.
College Goal Oregon
One day events that help students complete the FAFSA or ORSAA.
Hosted by OSAC. Sign up to learn more.
Spring Into Action
Remind students there is still time to apply for college and financial aid. Encourage them to complete applications for community college admissions, Oregon Promise, and additional financial aid.
Oregon community colleges host application workshops and events.
Decision Day
Celebrate and support students’ plans and their transition after high school.
Decision Day supports Better Make Room's College Signing Day initiative.
Oregon Goes To College supports and partners with schools, colleges, and the following organizations to make these events possible: