Use these tips to write a successful essay. Practice with sample prompts or one from your applications.
Some college and scholarship applications require written responses to a specific question. These may range from a short paragraph to a longer essay.
Follow directions
This simple tip is the most important one—pay attention to what is asked. Answer the question, keep within page or word limits, and follow any special formatting requests.
Write your best
For most applications, you will only be submitting one or two written pieces. The people who read your applications assume that what they see is the best you can do. It’s your job to make sure you prove them right! Your essays should be examples of your best writing.
This is good practice no matter what you’re writing, but you’ll want to make sure you proofread these essays extra carefully. Better yet, have a friend or trusted adult proofread for you, too. You’d be surprised at the number of applicants who write that they really want to go to Oregon State University on their application to Linfield University! Thorough proofreading can prevent these simple mistakes.
Be yourself
Essays are an opportunity for admissions and scholarship committees to learn about you and your experiences that aren’t captured by your GPA or test scores. Use your essay to show them what’s important to you and to let your personality shine through. A note of caution: funny essays can be great to read, but if no one’s ever told you you’re funny, this isn’t the time to try.
Remember you have an audience
Most of the time you won’t meet the person who is reading your application, so it can feel like you don’t have an audience. It’s important to remember that you do. Keep in mind that you don’t know the politics, religion, or personal beliefs of the person who is reading your application. Choose a topic that matter to you, but be careful not to offend.
Reduce, reuse, recycle
There’s no question that writing essays can be time consuming. Reduce the amount of time you spend by reusing your work when possible. Many prompts are only slightly different from one another. With some careful editing (and proofreading!), you should be able to recycle an essay for one application into a usable essay for another.